when i try to create the surface, i receive this message:

/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill -lval 255 -rval 80 -ccmask -T 1 -L /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/tmp/ponscall.dat /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/wm /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/filled
using 255 as fill val for left hemisphere.
using 80 as fill val for right hemisphere.
not using corpus callosum to mask possible location of pons.
logging cutting plane coordinates to /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/tmp/ponscall.dat...
reading input volume...done.
searching for cutting planes...voxel to talairach voxel transform
1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000;
0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000;
0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000;
0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000;
/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill: could not find valid seed for the cc
No such file or directory
Looking for area (min, max) = (350, 1400)
area[0] = 2435 (min = 350, max = 1400), aspect = 0.88 (min = 0.10, max = 0.75)
need search nearby
using +/- offset search region where offset is 3.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 6.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 9.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 12.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 15.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 18.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 21.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 24.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 27.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 30.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 33.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 36.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 39.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 42.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 45.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.....
Looking for area (min, max) = (350, 1400)
area[0] = 2001 (min = 350, max = 1400), aspect = 0.99 (min = 0.10, max = 0.75)
need search nearby
using +/- offset search region where offset is 3.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 6.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 9.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 12.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 15.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 18.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 21.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 24.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 27.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 30.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 33.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 36.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 39.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 42.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 45.....
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.....
/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill: could not find corpus callosum
No such file or directory
INFO: volume does not have linear_transform set nor lta is given by option.-xform.
INFO: use identity matrix as the talairach transform.
INFO: use src volume parameters for the talairach volume.
INFO: Modifying dst c_(r,a,s), using the transform dst
find_cutting_plane:seed point not in structure! Searching neighborhood...

could you please teach me how to solve the problem? thanks,

wan park
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