sig = -log10(p)*sign(contrast), so if p=.01, then sig=2. The sign(contrast) is
the direction of the contrast
On 12/19/2019 4:14 PM, Gwang-Won Kim wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Dr. Greve,
Thank you for your comment.
I compared cortical thickness bewteen two groups. I have a que
External Email - Use CautionHi Dr. Greve, Thank you for your comment.I compared cortical thickness bewteen two groups. I have a question. What does the values mean in the "sig.table.dat" file (ex. 0.571)? Good luck, -
Can you try running the ROI results with mri_glmfit? ie, if you ran
aparcstats2table to get the ROI results you input to SPSS, then run
mri_glmfit --table table.dat --fsgd g1v4.fsgd --C group.diff.mtx --glmdir
where table.dat is the result of aparcstats2table
Then look at t
External Email - Use CautionHi there, I obtained results for right thickness using aparcstats2table.Then, ANCOVA was used to compared right thickness between two group (age, sex, edu, ICV as covariates)using SPSS.
A group showed higher right thickness in the superior fr