That will work; it may be clearer to use mris_fwhm, eg,
mris_fwhm --smooth-only --s sub-0006 --hemi lh --fwhm 5 --cortex --i
input --o output
On 11/26/2021 6:48 AM, Mason Wells wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Experts,
This question may have been addressed elsewhereon the lis
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Experts,
This question may have been addressed elsewhere on the list, but I can’t find a
I want to smooth BOLD data on the surface. First, I pre-processed the data in
FEAT with no smoothing applied. Then I registered the filtered_func d
There are no explicit weights. It just uses an iterative procedure in
which the value at a vertex is replaced by the average of itself and its
neighbors. This approximates gaussian smoothing with the number of
iterations being related to the FWHM.
On 2/4/15 9:01 PM, Simon Vandekar wrote:
Hello all,
I am trying to determine the neighbors and weights used in the smoothing
implemented in the surface based smooth used by freesurfer (e.g. as called by
mris_preproc). Can anyone point me to the code that performs the surface based
smoothing in freesurfer?
Thanks in advance,