Re: [Freesurfer] Sulci segmentation

2010-12-20 Thread FIDEL ALFARO ALMAGRO
Then I am not doing the question propperly, and I obviously did not understand the basis of tksurfer :) I am going to work in Matlab, and I just wanted to use the output of Freesurfer to help me with my algorithm, so I am not going to use neither tkmedit nor tksurfer. Hence, I do not exactly need

Re: [Freesurfer] Sulci segmentation

2010-12-20 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Fidel the surfaces of the same hemi for a given subject area all topologically equivalent and share an index structure. what that means is that the vertex label/annotation can be shown/used on any surface, including the ?h.white and ?h.pial surfaces (which is probably what you want). Or you

Re: [Freesurfer] Sulci segmentation

2010-12-20 Thread FIDEL ALFARO ALMAGRO
Thanks mr Fischl, but these surfaces are a deformation of the original brain (According to what I have read in the wiki). My intention is to write an algorithm to do some operations on the original images, using the sulci information from freesurfer. In order to do that, I would need the sulci info

Re: [Freesurfer] Sulci segmentation

2010-12-20 Thread Bruce Fischl
the gyral/sulcal segmentations are generated on the surfaces and viewable in tksurfer. For example: tksurfer lh inflated -aparc will bring up and show the lh.aparc.annot on top of the inflated surface. You can also load them from the tksurfer interface using file->label->import annotation c

[Freesurfer] Sulci segmentation

2010-12-20 Thread FIDEL ALFARO ALMAGRO
Hi, I am pretty new in freesurfer and I do not know if this question has been answered before (It is difficult to search for 1 basic question), so I will post it anyways: - Is there any segmentation/labeling in freesurfer that allows the user to identify all the sulci of an MR image? I have done