Hi Fidel

the surfaces of the same hemi for a given subject area all topologically 
equivalent and share an index structure. what that means is that the 
vertex label/annotation can be shown/used on any surface, including the 
?h.white and ?h.pial surfaces (which is probably what you want). Or you can 
look at the aparc+aseg.mgz, which combines the subcortical and cortical 
labelings into a single volume.


On Mon, 20 Dec 2010, FIDEL ALFARO ALMAGRO wrote:

> Thanks mr Fischl, but these surfaces are a deformation of the original
> brain (According to what I have read in the wiki). My intention is to
> write an algorithm to do some operations on the original images, using the
> sulci information from freesurfer. In order to do that, I would need the
> sulci information IN a segmentation of the brain with the same size as the
> original. Is there any transformation I can apply to have this
> information?
> Thanks again.
>> the gyral/sulcal segmentations are generated on the surfaces and viewable
>> in tksurfer. For example:
>> tksurfer <subject> lh inflated -aparc
>> will bring up <subject> and show the lh.aparc.annot on top of the inflated
>> surface. You can also load them from the tksurfer interface using
>> file->label->import annotation
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On Mon, 20 Dec 2010, FIDEL ALFARO ALMAGRO wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am pretty new in freesurfer and I do not know if this question has
>>> been
>>> answered before (It is difficult to search for 1 basic question), so I
>>> will post it anyways:
>>> - Is there any segmentation/labeling in freesurfer that allows the user
>>> to
>>> identify all the sulci of an MR image? I have done the recon-all,
>>> correctly, but I am not able to see any sulcus using tkmedit with the
>>> generated segmentations.
>>> Thanks in advance.
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