self.imageBuffers, self.transform, self.voxelSpacing,
> self.cropping = readCroppedImages(
> self.imageFileNames,
> os.path.join(self.atlasDir, 'template.nii'),
> self.imageToImageTransformMatrix
> )
> --
os.path.join(self.atlasDir, 'template.nii'),
-Original Message-
From: Douglas N. Greve
Sent: Sun, Oct 3, 2021 8:04 am
Subject: Re: [Freesur
Can you compare the template_coreg.mgz to the input image; they should
be mostly aligned. If not, then the initial registration failed.
On 9/28/2021 2:38 PM, wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
We have recently installed FS-7.1 and have tested a few “ADNI” images
External Email - Use Caution
We have recently installed FS-7.1 and have tested a few “ADNI” images with
SAMSEG. The process runs to completion, but the output (seg.mgz) appears
upside-down and rotated about 90 about the X-axis. We are passing seg.mgz
through BrainStorm to crea