Re: [Freesurfer] Question regarding exporting subcortical segmentation to

2018-02-20 Thread Simon, Joe Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 12:08:12 -0500 (EST) From: Bruce Fischl Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Question regarding exporting subcortical segmentation to .nii ROIs for further analysis in SPM To

Re: [Freesurfer] Question regarding exporting subcortical segmentation to .nii ROIs for further analysis in SPM

2018-02-15 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Joe you can use mri_convert to convert the .mgz volume to nifti if that is what you want: mri_convert aseg.mgz aseg.nii.gz should do the trick. Not sure if that counts as an ROI for SPM. If you want separate volumes for each structure I think you can use mri_binarize with the --match fla

[Freesurfer] Question regarding exporting subcortical segmentation to .nii ROIs for further analysis in SPM

2018-02-15 Thread Simon, Joe
Dear Experts I just recently started using Freesurfer (implemented as a virtual machine on a Windows machine). After having completed the recon-all procedure, I now want to export the subcortical segementation as .nii images for further use in SPM. My aim is to have a ROI for each segmented sub