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Hi Bruce,
I will send it you once I am in the lab.
In relation to the tutorials, I know that there are tutorials and pdf
documentation I have been consulting. But, just to start with editing, it
would be helpful to see how another person is doing it in
Hi Rosalia
there are some tutorials on our website. And can you send us the
recon-all.log where you have put a new brainmask.mgz into the subject's
dir and it gets overwritten? That shouldn't happen
On Thu, 15 Nov 2018,
Rosalia Dacosta Aguayo wrote:
External Email -
External Email - Use Caution
HI Bruce,
I have to run recon-all -autorecon1, then substitute the brainmask for my
brainmask, changing the brainmask from FS to brainmask.original.FS and
labelling my betted image brainmask.mgz and then run recon-all -autorecon2
becuase if I do as you
Hi Rosalia
yes, editing and rerunning recon-all should work. Or update the
brainmask.mgz with your own version if you want. We should detect that and
retain it.
On Wed, 14 Nov 2018,
Rosalia Dacosta Aguayo wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Free Surfe
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Free Surfer team,
Sorry for double posting but I would like to explain well so it will be
easier to understand what I am looking for.
1. I have run recon-all -all in a participant
2. The skull stripped image has skull and dura behind.
3. I can m