Hi Rosalia
there are some tutorials on our website. And can you send us the
recon-all.log where you have put a new brainmask.mgz into the subject's
dir and it gets overwritten? That shouldn't happen
On Thu, 15 Nov 2018,
Rosalia Dacosta Aguayo wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
HI Bruce,
I have to run recon-all -autorecon1, then substitute the brainmask for my
brainmask, changing the
brainmask from FS to brainmask.original.FS and labelling my betted image
brainmask.mgz and then run
recon-all -autorecon2 becuase if I do as you say, FS is generating again its
own brainmask and it is
being hard. I have been looking as well for a video or something I can have to
see how you edit the
errors with FS and I have not found anything. Any help with this would be much
Yours sincerely,
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 7:42 PM Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
Hi Rosalia
yes, editing and rerunning recon-all should work. Or update the
brainmask.mgz with your own version if you want. We should detect that and
retain it.
On Wed, 14 Nov 2018,
Rosalia Dacosta Aguayo wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Free Surfer team,
> Sorry for double posting but I would like to explain well so it will be
> easier to understand what I am looking for.
> 1. I have run recon-all -all in a participant
> 2. The skull stripped image has skull and dura behind.
> 3. I can manual edit or I can do -autorecon1 and then supply the
> brainmask.nii.gz generated from my betted image.
> 4. Questions:
> a) If I run -autorecon1 and make the substitution of the brainmask: I am
> afraid this is not going to improve the grey matter and white matter
> segmentation. So, if this first step is not well solved, I think that
> no matter if I change my brainmask for a better one, that I will have
> same problems with -autorecon2 and -autorecon3, is that correct?
> b) If I do manual edition, then I will have to run -autorecon1
> sure if this would be the best solution.
> As I am new to this, I would greatly appreciate your experience.
> Best wishes,
> Rosalia
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