Re: [Freesurfer] Getting PET statistics using the subcortical segmentation

2006-09-25 Thread Doug Greve
Hi Jorge, The register.dat maps the PET of an individual to the subject's anatomical? If so, then use mri_label2vol to map the aseg.mgz or aparc+aseg.mgz or ?h.aparc.annot to the native PET space for each subject, then use mri_segstats to average the intensities in each ROI -- this produces a

[Freesurfer] Getting PET statistics using the subcortical segmentation

2006-09-25 Thread jorge luis
Hello all I have PET images corregistered in spm with their corresponding MRI images obtained by converting brain.mgz to analyze. I have created in freesurfer the file register.dat for each one of them, so i can use tksurfer and tkmedit. Now I would like to compute for each PET image t