Hi Jorge,
The register.dat maps the PET of an individual to the subject's
anatomical? If so, then use mri_label2vol to map the aseg.mgz or
aparc+aseg.mgz or ?h.aparc.annot to the native PET space for each
subject, then use mri_segstats to average the intensities in each ROI --
this produces a text table, one for each subject.
jorge luis wrote:
Hello all
I have PET images corregistered in spm with their
corresponding MRI images obtained by converting
brain.mgz to analyze. I have created in freesurfer the
file register.dat for each one of them, so i can use
tksurfer and tkmedit.
Now I would like to compute for each PET image the
average value of the pixels intensities in several
regions resulting from the subcortical segmentation
(for example hippocampus) and others manually painted.
Also I would like to produce an average region from
all the individuals for each one of these selected
regions (the average subject does not have a
subcortical segmentation and it could be used as a
mask in spm analysis).
Any tip is welcome
In advance Thank you
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