Identity if you want it int the subject's anatomical coords
On Jul 24, 2011, at 7:27 AM, Jixin Liu wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> Thanks very much for your reply. i want to convert the ".annot" files to
> nifti. When i used "mri_label2vol", I used this command
> mri_label2vol
Hi Bruce,
Thanks very much for your reply. i want to convert the ".annot" files to
nifti. When i used "mri_label2vol", I used this command
mri_label2vol --subject fsaverage --annot
$FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.ic3.annot --o test.img --hemi lh
ERROR: you must specify a registr
Hi Jixin,
mris_make_face_parcellation uses an icosahedral sampling, so you cannot use
it with an arbitrary annotation, and the parcels in it will not correspond
to the brain regions in any of the annots but rather will cut across
boundaries. You could certainly use matlab for example to compil
Dear FS experts,
Freesurfer could provide for every participant a standardized partition
of the cortex into 66 regional areas. My aim is to use freesurfer to
subdivide these regional areas into a set of small and compact regions,
resulting in high resolution atlas covering the entire cortex (t