Thanks for looking into this - we are stalled in our analysis until we
find a way around this!
The answer to your question is no - I have tried the command in cuzco (via
ssh), ai (directly), and inv (directly), and I receive the glibc error on
all of them. If you think it would be a good i
Do you have a machine on which this script can run without the glibc
error? I have been able to recreate the error you see in a debugger on
inv, but can't figure out what is going wrong. (Doug, the glibc error
occurs when fclose is called on line 565 of mriFunctionalDataAccess.c).
Doug or
Hi guys,
On machine inv (more or less the same error on machine ai)
nmr-dev-env (same error on nmr-std-env)
cd /space/cuzco/2/users/raij/avml_fmri_mctogether/
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/cognito/5/users/raij/subjects_mri/
setenv SUBJECT fsaverage
tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -overlay