
Do you have a machine on which this script can run without the glibc
error?  I have been able to recreate the error you see in a debugger on
inv, but can't figure out what is going wrong. (Doug, the glibc error
occurs when fclose is called on line 565 of mriFunctionalDataAccess.c).
Doug or I will need to look into this further.


On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 19:02 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi guys,
> On machine inv (more or less the same error on machine ai)
> nmr-dev-env (same error on nmr-std-env)
> cd /space/cuzco/2/users/raij/avml_fmri_mctogether/
> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/cognito/5/users/raij/subjects_mri/
> setenv SUBJECT fsaverage
> tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -overlay
> avml07_session_BRISI08/bold/group_ISIXTR_BERT_ERFIRsm5pf5tpefsub_18cat/sphsm10/h-lh.bhdr
> -timecourse
> avml07_session_BRISI08/bold/group_ISIXTR_BERT_ERFIRsm5pf5tpefsub_18cat/sphsm10/h-lh.bhdr
> Output:
> surfer: current subjects dir: /space/cognito/5/users/raij/subjects_mri/
> surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
> surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
> surfer:     /autofs/space/cuzco_002/users/raij/avml_fmri_mctogether
> surfer: Reading header info from
> /space/cognito/5/users/raij/subjects_mri//fsaverage/mri/T1.mgz
> reading group avg surface area 822 cm^2 from file
> surfer: vertices=163842, faces=327680
> INFO: bvolumeRead: min = 0, max = 0
> *** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list: 0x00000000060b7db0 ***
> Abort
> Oddly enough, on machine ai, if I leave out the -timecourse part of the
> command line, the FreeSurfer window opens with the correct overlay and I
> can scroll through conditions and time points. Further, if I then manually
> load the timecourse from File/Load Time Course... menu, this works giving
> the time course display just as it should
> Even more oddly, on machine inv (which is spanking new and has lots of RAM
> etc) even the above basic command line with only loading the overlay gives
> the above glibc error.
> I have 8 subjects * 66 labels  = timecourses of 528 labels to extract,
> which makes this clearly a script job - the only practical solution would
> be to find a way to make the command line work.
> Suggestions? For example, could it be that this has something to do with
> nvidia drivers?
> Thanks,
> Tommi
> ---
> Tommi Raij, M.D., Ph.D.
> MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
> Bldg 149, 13th St
> Charlestown, MA 02129
> U.S.A.
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