gt; Date: Monday, November 27, 2023 at 4:20 PM
> To: freesurfer <>>
> Subject: [Freesurfer] FreeSurfer Parcellation Using Glasser's Atlas (HCP-MMP1)
> Hi there,
> I am hoping to extract cortical thickness and volume data
Freesurfer] FreeSurfer Parcellation Using Glasser's Atlas (HCP-MMP1)
Hi there,
I am hoping to extract cortical thickness and volume data from
FreeSurfer-processed subjects using the HCP-MMP1 atlas (Glasser et al 2016
Nature). I have found many discussions in the email list but I wasn’t able to
Hi there,
I am hoping to extract cortical thickness and volume data from
FreeSurfer-processed subjects using the HCP-MMP1 atlas (Glasser et al 2016
Nature). I have found many discussions in the email list but I wasn’t able to
understand whether this procedure can be reliably done using .annot f