External Email - Use Caution
Hi all,
Thanks for the reply. Can you clarify how the EPI factor is being used by
Freesurfer's trac-all -prep workflow? I believe that the trac-all -prep
workflow is using the EPI factor and echo spacing to compute the readout
time for the acqp.txt fil
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 8:29 AM
To: "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu"
Subject: [Freesurfer] EPI Factor generated by dmri_bids_config
External Email - Use Caution
Hi all,
I am using TRACULA (v7.3.2) to examine longitudinal changes in WM integrity by
diagnostic groups.
External Email - Use Caution
Hi all,
I am using TRACULA (v7.3.2) to examine longitudinal changes in WM integrity
by diagnostic groups.
For preprocessing, I did not use topup because my data have a single
acquisition (i.e., I do not have two acquisitions with opposing polarities