It depends on exactly what you mean. Transforming it into MNI space is
fine if you keep it on the surface. If you try to sample it to a voxel mesh
you will lose effective resolution. I believe we distribute lh.aparc.annot
and rh.aparc.annot files for the fsaverage subject (in the label dir).
External Email - Use Caution
Dear All,
I am a master student in Turkey. For my thesis; I have to do exactly this;
Desikan atlas (which I have in the tailarach space) in the MNI space, as a file
(Desikan_mni.nii). I am aware that transforming from one space to the other is
not a
the aparc+aseg.mgz in fsaverage is in mni305 space. will that work?
On 01/17/2014 01:29 PM, Fred Sampedro wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfer users,
> I am searching for the Desikan atlas (which I have in the tailarach
> space) in the MNI space, as a file (Desikan_mni.nii). I am aware that
> transformi
Dear FreeSurfer users,
I am searching for the Desikan atlas (which I have in the tailarach space)
in the MNI space, as a file (Desikan_mni.nii). I am aware that transforming
from one space to the other is not a very good idea but nevertheless I
would like to test some computations.
Anyone can att