AFNI program FSread_annot is exactly what you are looking for.
On 6/6/11 2:27 PM, Allison R. Kaup wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have created a DLPFC label in Freesurfer, and am now trying to
> figure out how to visualize that ROI in SUMA.We have already
> successfully converted the aparc+aseg to SUMA
Hi all,
I have created a DLPFC label in Freesurfer, and am now trying to
figure out how to visualize that ROI in SUMA.We have already
successfully converted the aparc+aseg to SUMA (using
@SUMA_Make_Spec_FS). I am wondering if a similar process can be used
on this label file. Or, if there i
Hi Allison - You can use bblabel for the cuts. (You'd have to map the
label to fsaverage first, use bblabel, and then map back to the
Hope this helps,
On Fri, 3 Jun 2011, Allison R. Kaup wrote:
> Hello!
> I am attempting to create a DLPFC ROI, based on methods described in
I am attempting to create a DLPFC ROI, based on methods described in :
Yendiki et al. (2010). Multi-site characterization of an fMRI
working memory paradigm: Reliability ofactivation indices.
Neuroimage. 53 (1), 119-131.
Those authors state they merged existing parcellation labels, and