Re: [Freesurfer] Converting an FSL label to Freesurfer space

2011-04-04 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Massih, Try looking at doug On 4/4/11 2:38 PM, mmoayedi wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to convert the individual FS parcelations to individual > space in FSL. I'm not sure how to proceed. I've made a label from the > indi

[Freesurfer] Converting an FSL label to Freesurfer space

2011-04-04 Thread mmoayedi
Hi, I'm trying to convert the individual FS parcelations to individual space in FSL. I'm not sure how to proceed. I've made a label from the individual subject's parcelation, and have saved it. How would I then convert the label to use it as a mask in the subject's structural space in

Re: [Freesurfer] Converting an FSL label to Freesurfer space

2010-09-29 Thread Douglas N Greve
The output has to be a volume (eg, nii or mgh), not a label. If you need a label, run mri_cor2label on the output. doug Massieh Moayedi wrote: > Hi Doug, > > I tried it, and it seems that it's working until the very last step. > > Here's the output I get: > > > $ mri_label2vol --seg > '/storag

Re: [Freesurfer] Converting an FSL label to Freesurfer space

2010-09-29 Thread Douglas N Greve
I assume the label is a binary mask in MNI152? If so, use mri_label2vol and spec the label as a segmenation, use $FREESURFER_HOME/average/mni152.register.dat as the registration, specify --invertmtx, and use the orig.mgz in fsaverage as the template. I *think* this should work. doug mmoayedi

[Freesurfer] Converting an FSL label to Freesurfer space

2010-09-28 Thread mmoayedi
Hi everyone, I need to convert an FSL label (3D, MNI 152 space, 2mm brain) to FreeSurfer's fsaverage brain inflated surface. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks, Massih ___ Freesurfer mailing list https://mail.nmr.