e one?
Thank you very much
*Inbal Paran, M.PT
continuous variables in my analysis (in the fsgd file)?
Thanks again
It is worse -- we do not support qdec anymore
On 8/5/2023 6:04 AM, inbal paran wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello FreeSurfer Developers, I have a question regarding group analysis:
When I followed the
External Email - Use Caution
By hand/matlab - simply to sum the volumes in each hemisphere? e.g., Rt.
Caudate+ Lt. Caudate?
You'll have to do it by hand or maybe in matlab; you can use fast_ldtable.m
to load in the tables in matlab
On 8/5/2023 4:54 AM, inbal paran
o two continuous variables and two discrete variables with two levles.
Is this still the case, or is it possible to include more than 2
continuous variables?
The freesurfer version I am using:
Thank you
*Inbal Paran, M.PT
brain regions
(aseg and aparc).
How can I compute the merged volume of both hemispheres per each ROI?
The freesurfer version I am using:
Thank you
*Inbal Paran, M.PT
> FreeSurfer are both very new to me, if it's possible, any help would
> be greatly appreciated.
> If it's relevant, these are the details of the version and platform
> I'm using:
> 1) FreeSurfer version:
> freesurfer-linux-centos7_x86_64-7.1.1-20200723-8b40551
ew to me, if it's
possible, any help would be greatly appreciated.
If it's relevant, these are the details of the version and platform I'm
1) FreeSurfer version:
2) Platform: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
3) uname -a: Linux inbal-par
x27;t installed properly."
How can I solve this?
Kind regards,
*Inbal Paran, M.PT