Hello, I have been running freesurfer in G5 Macs with Panther. I was able to parcellate and retrieve data of the different areas.
However, recently we changed the OS from Panther to Tiger. Since then, I have the following problem:
When I do mris_anatomical_stats:
Hi, I have a question. I am getting the gray volume for a standard area
(G_subcallosal) in different brains (male and female) with different
If I want to compare these volumes, should I normalize them with the
total brain (or hemisphere) volume or can I use these results directly?
Hi, when I do parcellate_subject, I received this message with one of
my brains:
2816 1563 3354 2.147 +- 0.645 0.190 0.071 58.221 6.689
** annotation 003c148c
1449858 2052 2.369 +- 0.688 0.191 0.055 26.557
2.772 ** annotation 003cdc14
1996 1206 2429
when i put check_subject 14456, i receive this message:
[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark% check_subject
WARN: lh.rh.sphere.reg is empty/missing
[ogden:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark%
is there any problem?
hi, i am trying to convert 124 slices of .dcm files COR, but when i put
mri_convert E9042_S002_A0001_anon.dcm .
(E9042_S002_A0001_anon.dcm is the first slice).
i receive this message:
%mri_convert E9042_S002_A0001_anon.dcm .
mri_convert E9042_S002_A0001_anon.dcm .
reading from E9042_S002_A00
Can I suggest to change the file name from .IMA to .ima?
On Apr 19, 2005, at 9:14 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Kristine,
you can send us a series and we'll look at them if you want.
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Kristine Beate Walhovd wrote:
Hi Bruce
I tried -it siemens too (based on some list quest
Unfortunately I only have img/hdr files.
when I put mri_info I have this message:
[ash:14725/mri/orig] wpark% ls
14725.hdr 14725.img
[ash:14725/mri/orig] wpark% mri_info 14725.img
INFO: analyzeRead(): found 1 files for /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer
unless you've used something like vitamin E tablets in the scan. This
why we don't use analyze, unless it comes with an spm-style .mat file
(which does specify the direction cosines)
Tue, 12 Apr 2005, Wan Park wrote:
Hello, after parcellating some brains, I have notice
Hello, after parcellating some brains, I have noticed that the program
"get confused" and label the occipital as frontal and viceversa.
I started with img/hdr images. I suspect that this occurs because of a
"wrong" direction of the original image before doing mri_convert. Is it
How can I
Hi, after doing the parcellation and listing the areas with mris_anatomical_stats I have noticed that in many brains (or hemispheres) there are typically two areas that are frequently missing:
is there any explanation for this? is there any way to avoid this? thanks
Thanks Xiao Han! I worked finally! Cheers (see below)
Now I have this question:
I see there is a lot of regions. How do each region correspond to specific color in the visualization? Thanks a lot!
total white matter volume = 533145 mm^3
table columns are:
number of vertices
Hi, thank you very much for your help, but now when I try to do what Quinn told me:
On Mar 21, 2005, at 5:31 PM, Brian T. Quinn wrote:
mris_anatomical_stats -b -a subject/label/rh.aparc.annot subject rh
I receive the following error (15058 is the subject):
cheers! i did exactly the same thing with another brain but this time i
obtained this which looks much better:
<> (i am sending this again in a smaller size to avoid the mediator)
i guess this is correct. now, how can i use this areas to calculate the
gray matter volume of these "standard areas"
Hello, I need to parcellate the brain in "standard areas" (eg.
prefrontal, occipital, temporal, etc.).
I have a MAC and I did the parcellation with the new binaries that
Kevin Teich sent me. What I have is a multicolor brain painted in tiny
pieces. Is this correct?
What I am interested is to c
I am supposed to have libtiff, glut, tclkt, tix and blt installed, but
I still receive this message:
for volume:
Command Finished
/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/tkmedit 22970 T1
dyld: /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/tkmedit can't
open library: /
PM, Kevin Teich wrote:
Do you have BLT installed via Fink or FinkCommander?
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, Wan Park wrote:
hi teich,
i went to this place:
ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/ tkmedit_tksurfer-20050211-Darwin.tar.gz
and I Unziped it in a temp directory, then move bin/tkmedit and bi
hi teich,
i went to this place:
ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/ tkmedit_tksurfer-20050211-Darwin.tar.gz
and I Unziped it in a temp directory, then move bin/tkmedit and bin/tksurfer into your freesurfer/bin/Darwin directory, and the lib/tcl/* files into freesurfer/lib/tcl.
now when i
I think I need to do the MNI align. Could someone teach me how to do
this? Thanks,
Freesurfer mailing list
after processing the volume, when i try to see the images (orig, T1,
brain, wm) with the tkmedit tools, i press coronal view but i see
horizontal and when i press horizontal i see the coronal view. when i
press sagittal, i see the brain "looking" (face) down.
interestingly, after doing the tala
hi, i am using a mac G5.
after successfully doing the talairach (thanks tosa and quinn) i went through and i did the parcellation:
(last part)
labeling surface...
relabeling using gibbs priors...
000: 12553 changed, 169800 examined...
001: 3181 changed, 48112 examined...
002: 1021 changed, 1
This is the output for the parcellate_subject:
[autologins-Computer:stem/freesurfer/subjects] wanpark% parcellate_subject cf1
reading atlas from /Users/wanpark/Desktop/FreeSurfer/freesurfer/average/lh.atlas2002_simple.gcs
reading color table from GCSA file
input 1: CURVATURE FILE, flags 0, av
Hi, while I am solving the problems with the cutting planes, I am doing parcellation with the subjects that went through.
After doing parcellate_subject cf1
I wanted to visualize it so I wrote
tksurfer cf1 rh inflated
and then I went to file>labels>annotation and wrote
l bin location
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0";
You have to modify ../lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 to suite your
We will be fixing this problem in the coming release, using the
relative path for the
module. I don't know when at this time.
To create the surface, I have to define the corpus callosum and the pons as well. I have been suggested to get a talairach transform first, so I did:
(22970 is the subject folder)
$ talairach 22970
but I have received this message:
wpark% talairach 22970
registering 22970
mri_convert orig o
Because I had problems finding automatically the corpus callosum cutting plane, I loaded the wm volume, click in the center of the corpus in coronal view, switch to sagittal plane and used the volume RAS coordinates (tailarach coord says "none"). then I ran this line:
recon-all -stage2 -c
when i try to create the surface, i receive this message:
/usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill -lval 255 -rval 80 -ccmask -T 1 -L /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/tmp/ponscall.dat /usr/local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects/23963/mri/wm /u
hi, after doing:
recon-all -stage4b -subjid 40032 -hemi lh
recon-all -stage4b -subjid 40032 -hemi rh,
i did:
parcellate_subject 40032
and it seems to have finished without problems. now, how can i
visualize the different areas?
Thanks for the previous help!
Now I have this problem:
[ash:local/freesurfer_package/freesurfer] wpark% cd subjects
[ash:freesurfer_package/freesurfer/subjects] wpark% parcellate_subject
reading atlas from
I am want to parcellate my brains, but when I put "parcellate_subject"
alone, I receive the following message;
tcsh: CSURF_DIR: Undefined variable
What should I do?
Second question:
Let's say my subject is called bert
What's the complete line I should right to do it?
Thanks a lot,
I want to calculate the gray matter volume in certain areas (eg.
cortical area 39). What should I do? Thanks,
Freesurfer mailing list
when I run
recon-all -s uf1 -talairach (uf1 is the subject)
I receive this message:
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /Volumes/stem/freesurfer/subjects
Talairach Fri Oct 29 17:23:19 ADT 2004
could you please tell me how to do auto talairaching with the MINC?
Freesurfer mailing list
I start with the filling of white matter but after a while I am receiving this massage:
using +/- offset search region where offset is 45.
using +/- offset search region where offset is 48.
/Users/wanpark/Desktop/FreeSurfer/freesurfer/bin/Darwin/mri_fill: could not find pons
No such
or where I can read more about it?
Freesurfer mailing list
After processing the volume, creating the surface, making the final
surface and registering the surface, I would like to measure the
cortical thickness with freesurfer. Could you please give me hints
about how and where to start? thanks
Wan Park
I am having problems stripping the skull. I am converting DIACOM files
into COR. Do you think that it is a problem of convertion? Should I use
any extension for mri_convert? I checked the original files and the
image seems to be quite Ok (I used MRIConvert and then opened with
medx). I will tha
Hello, my name is Wan Park and I am working at Columbia University.
After converting General Electric DIACOM files into COR, I go to the
Setup Structural Scans. There I set the Structural Scan Dir and then
After that, Start the Process Volume, but it seems that there is a
Hello, I used mri_convert to transform DIACOM files to COR files. I
want now to do the structural scan but I guess I need to obtain I files
(eg. I.001). How can I do that? Thanks,
Wan Park
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