On behalf of Prof. Martin Dichgans:
The Imaging in Stroke and Dementia programme at the Department of Neurology,
Klinikum Großhadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich invites
applications for a full-time
PhD position / Post-doctoral Position in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The focus of
lin27), fsaverage or any other surface.
and for documentation
Dr. Thomas StephanEmail: [
this procedure with regard to the
template to use, or should I
use the fsaverage surfaces provided with freesurfer?
Best regards
Dr. Thomas StephanEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Klinikum Grosshadern
could not
find the solution for the
problem in the archives.
By the way: How can I find out which version of freesurfer I use?
tksurfer tells me I use version
stable 3.
Best regards
Thomas Stephan
Dr. Thomas Stephan
Dr. Thomas StephanEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Klinikum Grosshadern
Neurologisches Forschungshaus
Marchioninistr. 23Fon: +49 089 / 7095-4819
81377 MuenchenFax: +49 089 /