Dear List,

when I press the button to display the colorbar in tksurfer I receive the following error
message, followed by a crash:

freeglut ERROR: Function <glutBitmapCharacter> called without first calling 'glutInit'.

There has been recent discussion about a 'glutinit-bug', but I could not find the solution for the
problem in the archives.
By the way: How can I find out which version of freesurfer I use? tksurfer tells me I use version
stable 3.

Best regards
Thomas Stephan

Dr. Thomas Stephan            Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Klinikum Grosshadern
Neurologisches Forschungshaus
Marchioninistr. 23            Fon: +49 089 / 7095-4819
81377 Muenchen                Fax: +49 089 / 7095-4801

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