t; faces_containing_vertex = np.nonzero((faces ==
> vertex_index).sum(axis=1))[0]
> neighbors = np.setdiff(faces[faces_containg_vertex, :].flatten(),
> vertex_index)
> return neighbors
> ```
> cheers,
> satra
> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 9:52 AM, Sebastia
I am trying to figure out how to load thickness data into python such that
I would be able to identify the thickness at a given mesh node and also
identify surrounding nodes. I searched the mailinglist and found this
http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg07307.html but
I found that in some of my subjects there are - after manual correction -
focal regions with zero cortical thickness. On closer inspection, I can see
that the white matter and pial boundaries are touching in these regions -
hence probably the zero thickness.
My question is: should I manually