I am trying to run recon-all with a T1w image and a FLAIR image to improve the
removal of the dura. I am using the command
recon-all -sd /cenc/mri/freesurfer -subjid 34P1001 -all -i
/cenc/mri/subjects/34P1001/freesurfer/input/t1w.nii.gz -FLAIR
I am running Freeview Version 1.0 Build May 26 2016 remotely from my Mac OS
10.11.6 with X11 forwarding. I have been using this setup for years.
However, within the last wee I encountered a problem with the FreeView display.
Everything works fine except that the image panes are no longer vis
My ultimate goal is apply the CVS transforms to ROIs (similar to aseg.mgz) that
are defined in MNI space to anatomical space. Unfortunately, I am having
trouble doing this. As a start I am trying to transform my T1w image to MNI
space. My understanding so far is that I need to do the following
I use Freeview on a daily basis as my primary image viewer. I like it a lot
and found it to be tremendously useful. I am usually interested in opening
images in the current directory where I launched Freeview from the command
line. I know you can load multiple images at once from the command l
I would like to view just the hippocampus in the aseg.mgz file overlaid with
the brain.mgz. I created a custom lookup table by commenting all entries
except 0 (Unknown) and 17 (Left-Hippocampus). See below for a snippet of the
lookup table. When I load this LookUp table I see numerous structu