Is it possible to spatially align PET data to an MRI using tkregister2?
Cole Reschke
Data Manager, PET Center
Banner Alzheimer Institute
Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center
Phone: (602) 239-4868
Freesurfer mailing list
When using the -paired-diff option for mris_preproc, does this signify
(scan1 minus scan2) or (scan2 minus scan1)?
Cole Reschke
Data Manager, PET Center
Banner Alzheimer Institute
Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center
Phone: (602) 239-4868
Doug Greve
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 11:56 AM
To: Reschke, Cole
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] interpret analysis results
The values are -log10(p), so p < .01 would require a threshold of 2,
etc. I don't use t, z, or F because I have not memorize
First, thanks to Doug for all his help up to this point.
Next, I have three questions. In my analysis, I used the -paired-diff
and -osgm options in mris_preproc and mri_glmfit, respectively. I have
successfully loaded sig.mgh onto the inflated surface.
Are the values from the color chart [-
I am looking to run freesurfer group analysis on a longitudinal study,
examining the changes between baseline and follow-up. I would like to
set up a paired t-test, yet I am still in need of some assistance
creating my FSGD file and my design matrix. I have read the
GroupAnalysis wiki pa