

I am looking to run freesurfer group analysis on a longitudinal study,
examining the changes between baseline and follow-up.  I would like to
set up a paired t-test, yet I am still in need of some assistance
creating my FSGD file and my design matrix.  I have read the
GroupAnalysis wiki page, and did not see anything regarding t-tests.
Also, is "Class" is equivalent to "Group" in the FSGD file?  


I have been using your sample GroupDescriptorFile to create my own, and
pasted an excerpt below (my edits are in red and underlined).


  GroupDescriptorFile 1
  Title MyTitle
  Class bsl plus blue
  Class flp circle green
  Variables          Age  Gender   
  Input subjid1 bsl   20    M  
  Input subjid1 flp   20    M       
  DefaultVariable Age





Cole Reschke

Data Manager, PET Center

Banner Alzheimer Institute

Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center

Phone: (602) 239-4868



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