tions and tutorioal / reading and code
about how to use those ?
best regards
*Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, M.D., Sp.N, Subsp. NGD (K), PhD*
Neurobehavior Consultant, Neurology Specialist
Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia
Chair of Bioethics Cluster IMERI UI
External Email - Use Caution
can we print the aseg and aparc image in fresurfer to 3D model for print it
in 3D printer?
best regards
*Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, M.D., Sp.N, Subsp. NGD (K), PhD*
Neurobehavior Consultant, Neurology Specialist
Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer Team,
Greetings. My name is dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, Sp.S(K), PhD. I am a
lecturer and researcher at the Department of Neurology Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Indonesia.
I am pleased to inform you that we have
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer Team,
Greetings. My name is dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, Sp.S(K), PhD. I am a
lecturer and researcher at the Department of Neurology Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Indonesia.
I am pleased to inform you that we have
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer Team,
Greetings. My name is dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, Sp.S(K), PhD. I am a
lecturer and researcher at the Department of Neurology Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Indonesia.
I am pleased to inform you that we have