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Dear Freesurfer Team,

Greetings. My name is dr. Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, Sp.S(K), PhD. I am a
lecturer and researcher at the Department of Neurology Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Indonesia.

I am pleased to inform you that we have been awarded a grant from the UI
Incubate program. This program is aimed at promoting growth in university
startups that focus on innovative solutions.

Our project revolves around the concept of a "Brain Analysis Consultation
Service." Our primary goal is to democratize access to predictive analytics
for neurodegenerative diseases, making such advanced techniques more
available to the general public. The business model is to build a clinic
for brain analysis using Freesurfer as a core element of our service. The
data given by the MRI will be used to analyze and predict neurodegenerative
diseases from our patients.

The service we aim to offer will allow patients to consult with us about
their Freesurfer results for our team to analyze. Through this, we hope to
give them a clearer understanding of their condition, helping predict the
trajectory of their neurodegenerative disease more accurately.

With this in mind, we would like to invite your team to conduct an expert
class on Freesurfer for us. This class will surely boost our understanding
of the software and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our work.

We sincerely hope this proposal interests you and aligns with your mission
to further knowledge and research in neuroscience. If so, we would be
delighted to discuss this further and provide you with any more details you
may need.

Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the potential of
working together for a common goal.

Best regards,

*Pukovisa Prawiroharjo, M.D., Sp.N, Subsp. NGD (K), PhD*
Neurobehavior Consultant, Neurology Specialist
Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia
Chair of Bioethics Cluster IMERI UI
Chair of International Policy Div, Board of Development Med Services IDI
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