s_convert lh.white.vtk lh.white
> you can then use mris_thickness to calculate the thickness measures.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 22 May 2012, Navid Shiee wrote:
> Hi,
>> I have generated inner and pial surfaces using another method. Howe
I have generated inner and pial surfaces using another method. However, I
am interested in computing the cortical thickness using the method
implemented in Freesurfer. My surfaces are in vtk format. I was wondering
how I can do this, if this is at all possible.
Navid Shiee
t; mris_convert /?h. /?h..vtk
> I'm not sure you can convert the thickness.mgh files into .vtks, don't
> they only contain coordinate information? Hope that helps.
> -Derin
> On Dec 12, 2011, at 9:13 AM, Navid Shiee wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
I was wondering if there is a command like mris_convert to create a
thickness map in vtk format (either on the white or pial surface) ?
Navid Shiee
Ph.D. Candidate
Laboratory of MEDical Image Computing (MEDIC)
Image Analysis and Communication Laboratory (IACL)
Johns Hopkins
takes the lesion mask to the desired space, however it used linear
interpolation, I need nearest neighbor interpolation. I could not find a
flag for specifying the interpolation type in mri_convert. Would you
please help me with this?
Navid Shiee
Ph.D. Candidate
Laboratory of MEDical
for surfaces. I would be very grateful
if you can provide me with some information for doing this.
I appreciate your kind help in advance.
Navid Shiee
Ph.D. Candidate
Laboratory of MEDical Image Computing (MEDIC)
Image Analysis and Communication Laboratory (IACL)
Johns Hopkins
I want to transfer the inner and outer surfaces generated by freesurfer to
the original image space, ie the input image space before
being transformed in a coronal 256^3. Would you please let me know how
should I do this?
Laboratory of MEDical Image Computing (MEDIC)
I have an image with very large ventricles, which makes the stripping step
of the algorithm to fail. I have the stripped version of the image and was
trying to use -noskullstrip flag to just input the stripped image. But I got
an error of "could not open mask volume brainmask.mgz". Would you p
I am trying to transform the volumetric labels from aseg.auto to the
original space. As suggested on the wiki I use the command
mri_label2vol --seg aseg.mgz --temp rawavg.mgz --o aseg-in-rawavg.mgz
--regheader aseg.mgz
However, I got ERROR: Option --regheader unknown
If I don't use that opt