Hi Freesurfers,
I’m using TkSurfer to visualize my results and want to add a horizontal color
scale bar. I used [ -colorscalebarflag 1 ] to do so, but I only got a vertical
bar. Is there any way (command options) to get a horizontal color scale bar?
Hi Freesurfers,
I was wondering if there is a registration matrix (from volumetric to surface)
for MNI152NLIN2009cAsym template. I was not able to find any (relevant) dat
files in $FREESURFER_HOME/average/. I have some data in that space and would
like to map them on the surface for visualizati
I’m trying to calculate Dijkstra distance between startVertex and endVertex on
the inflated surface (fsaverage, lh.inflated) using mris_pmake.
I see several options: --surface0, --surface1, --curv0, --curv1
I think I can use ‘--surface0 inflated’, but not sure about other options e.g.