but it really depends on the
> acquisition
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Fri, 28 Apr 2017, Jared
> Saletin wrote:
> > Hi Freesurfer Experts!
> >
> > I have two scans for each subject in a new experiment—taken on subsequent
> > days, each using the
Hi Freesurfer Experts!
I have two scans for each subject in a new experiment—taken on subsequent days,
each using the MEMPRAGE protocol.
I’ve successfully implemented DURA correction using the 4 echos when I’ve
reconstructed each scan separately.
However, since I have 2 scans for each subject
Hello Jared,
> Curious... Can you try processing this particular subject with a single
> thread and see what happens? If the problem persists let me know and I
> will take a look at the subject.
> -Zeke
> On 02/17/2017 08:28 AM, Jared Saletin wrote:
>> Hi Free
Hi Freesurfer gurus:
I recently installed 6.0.0 on MacOS 10.12 and recon-all is exiting with an
error in mris_smooth. It looks like a library issue.
A prior post had the same issue and indicated uninstalling the whole
distribution and re-installing 6.0.0 fresh (as opposed to installing over 5.
Hi Freesurfer folks,
I was wondering if anyone knew an automated or semi-automated method for
calculating radial distance along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus from
a surface generated by tessellating the segmentation from aseg.
I know radial distance is used to examine local changes i
ot; in trac-all would
> solve the problem?
> a.y
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2011, Jared Saletin wrote:
>> Hi Anatasia,
>> Thank you for the response.
>> I've reformatted the files and -prep ran fine.
>> I'm receiving
ormat is 3 columns for bvecs, single column for
> bvals. Otherwise you shouldn't have to do anything else to them (hopefully! :)
> a.y
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2011, Jared Saletin wrote:
>> Hi Freesurfer experts,
>> I was wondering if you all had some advice for get
Hi Freesurfer experts,
I was wondering if you all had some advice for getting trac-all up and
I'm trying to work up a trac-all configuration file for a group of subjects,
previously processed in FSL.
We extracted the Siemens bvec and bval files for the FSL pipeline when
importing the di