External Email - Use Caution
I installed the Ubuntu image in virtual box to run free surfer on windows -
can I have the developer user password?
*James Allebone | **MPsych, Ph.D. (Clinical Neuropsychology)*
Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences
Mon Aug 16 21:53:27 EDT 2021
*James Allebone | **MPsych, Ph.D. (Clinical Neuropsychology)*
Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Melbourne Brain Centre, Austin Campus
245 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg VIC 3084
Hi there,
I am running an analysis to examine differences in cortical thickness
between two groups (clinical vs control) and have entered ICV as a nuisance
variable and age as a covariate. The analysis results in qdec do not appear
to give a result that answers the question: does the average cort