> cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/subject/scripts
> mri_annotation2label --subject vol17 --hemi rh --lobesStrict lh.lobesfile
> mris_anatomical_stats -mgz -cortex ../label/lh.cortex.label -f
> ../stats/lh.lobesfile.stats -b -a ../label/lh.lobesfile.annot subject
> lh white
> doug
ified mean curvature = 0.149
average integrated rectified Gaussian curvature = 0.106
folding index = 4797
intrinsic curvature index = 391.1
Can somebody guide me?
Thank you in advance,
*Carolina Valencia
The information contained in this me
omit all -i flags.
*Carolina Valencia MuƱoz*
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
mgz \
> -p-labels posterior_left_* posterior_Left-Hippocampus.mgz \
> -p-labels posterior_right_* posterior_Right-Hippocampus.mgz \
> -p-prefix posterior_ -p-lut $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt
freeview.bin: No match.
Am I miss something?
Hi Freesurfer community,
A quick question, how long takes to run the hippocampal subfield
segmentation for a subject that has already run the typical recon-all
Thank you,
*Carolina Valencia M
Freesurfer mailing list
ess my own data. I have to recon-all my
structural data and to have the orig DWI dicoms in order to use trac-all,
Many thanks,
Best regards
*Carolina Valencia M*
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear FS users,
I would like to use FS to calculate WM hypointensitis (so-called black
holes) for patients with multiple sclerosis, but
1. I don't know which stat file I should use to report the volumes, such as
total WM, WM hypointensities, etc
2. which editing tool I must use when the lesion is no
C_vol01 rh pial
> Sincerely,
> Gonzalo Rojas Costa
> Department of Radiology
> Clinica Las Condes
> Santiago
> Chile
> > Message: 4
> > Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2011 10:25:26 -0400 (EDT)
> > From: Bruce Fischl
> > Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] tkme
Hi FSusers
I run recon-all in a patient without problems, but when I tried to view it
in tkmedit, an error pops up.
I appreciate your help!
Best regards,
recon-all -s CORBIC_vol01 finished without error at Tue Sep 13 12:42:43 COT
cvalencia-Precision-WorkStation-T3400:~> tkmed
Dear FS' users,
I have a 3D T1 from a GE scanner which I convert with dcm2nii to use it with
recon-all, but I got 3 images:
o -- original
oo -- orthogonal
co -- cropped image
Which I should use to run the command recon-all?
> Hm, it seems like all FSL commands give you a shared library error. Were
> you able to run FSL commands properly before updating freesusrfer?
> On Thu, 18 Aug 2011, Carolina Valencia wrote:
> Hi,After update the FS version to 5.1, I follow the Tracula tutorial and
>> r
any suggestions??
2011/8/16 Anastasia Yendiki
> Hi Carolina - There's info on the new release and how to install it here:
> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.**harvard.edu/fswiki/**ReleaseNotes<https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ReleaseNotes>
> a.y
Hi FS'users,
I'm trying to do the Tracula tutorial but after set the configuration file I
run the command trac-all
trac-all -help
trac-all: Command not found.
I have the version: freesurfer-Linu
n't recommend it). The surfaces are. As for the heterotopias, I don't
> really know what a good output would be. It depends what you want to do with
> them. I guess they should be gray matter, no?
> Bruce
> On Thu, 21 Jul 2011, Carolina Valencia wrote:
on't look at the colored overlay - that is the aseg voxel
> segmentation and not what we typically use for cortical morphometry. Only
> look at the yellow and red lines.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 19 Jul 2011, Carolina Valencia wrote:
> tiff I guess, I too
Dear FS experts,
I'm trying to analyse a case of cortical dysplasia, but after recon-all I
see some errors in tkmedit that I don't know what to edit. I found some
errors in cortical and subcortical segmentation, I don't find in the failure
mode presentation a way to solve this.
I saw the pial surf
Hi Pedro,
I tried to send you the image of my problem but the mailing list rejected
my attachment, despite the file is only 769 k.
How I can post an image in order to illustrate my problem?
2011/7/7 Carolina Valencia
> Hi Pedro,
> Yes I have a case with heterotop
Hi FSexperts,
I have a case of a child with *Hydrocephalus and cortical dysplasia, the
patient has a subcutaneous ventriculo-peritoneal shunt that produces an
artifice in all MRI sequences, I try to recon-all but it exit with ERROR*
#@# Talairach Failu
Hello FSexperts
I have a MPRAGE image of cortical dysplasia, I have some regions of
grey matter within the white matter, and I measured the cortical
thickness in the projections of those regions and I expected to find a
thinnercortex instead I found a cortical thickening. FS takes into
account the
> can try with Octave (a kind of GNU Matlab for Linux).
> ** **
> Cheers ****
> Jorge
> --- El *mar, 5/7/11, Carolina Valencia *escribiĆ³:
> De: Carolina Valencia
> Asunto: [Freesurfer] Matlab and FS
> Para: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Hello FS'users,
I'm trying to do an histogram of cortical thickness for 2 cases in matlab,
but the problem is that I have Installed matlab in a computer (windows) and
FS in another one (ubuntu)
Can I configure something to use the FS commands in matlab in order to
obtain some graphs?
And also, whe
Thanks a lot, it works.
just waiting 24 hours.
Best regards,
> Hi Carolina,
> Sorry My bad. I was inaccurate in my previous message.
> -subject should work.
> Assuming that the MPRAGE of your subject is under the following directory:
> /freesurfer/subjects/buckner_da
Hello Freesurfer's users,
I'm starting using FS and I have a problem running recon-all
I create a folder called hptu_subj001 which contains MPRAGE.nii.gz within
First I convert nii.gz to mgz qith the command:
recon-all -i MPRAGE.nii.gz -s hptu_subj001
and then in order to process all
Dear freesurfer users
I want to know where I can find the GUI that assist in the management and
analysis of groups of data not shown in the FreeSurfer Analysis Pipeline
Freesurfer mailing list
t; -- PPJ
> Please: cc the freesurfer list when answering
> 2011/2/22 Carolina Valencia
> Hi Pedro,
>> Finally, I could install it with the license file and the environment is
>> properly set without warnings.
>> But trying to test it,
Hi Bruce,
I'm experimenting problems with the installation on Ubuntu too.
There's is warning in the welcome message, it seems that something is
Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
WARNING: /home/cvale
Hi FreeSurfer's user,
I'm new using this software, I try to install on Ubuntu and to set up
following the recommendation of the webpage.
Then I tried to test but any commmand seems to be recognized, also when I
started a new terminal a warning is shown:
Hi FreeSurfer's user,
I'm new using this software, I try to install on Ubuntu and to set up
following the recommendation of the webpage.
Then I tried to test but any commmand seems to be recognized, also when I
started a new terminal a warning is shown:
28 matches
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