olors are wrong. If you are resampling the parcellation
>sure it is done with nearest neighbor and not e.g. trilinear or sinc
>On Tue, 24 Apr 2012, Baum, Sarah H wrote:
>> It might take me a little longer because our data is organized a little
and see if it looks
>On Tue, 24 Apr 2012, Baum, Sarah H wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Currently it's not doing that. I'm using the aparc.a2009s_rank file that
>> I've aligned to the anatomy with @SUMA_AlignToExperiment.
>parcellatinos will color the same parcels the same color.
>On Tue, 24 Apr
>2012, Baum, Sarah H wrote:
>> Hi-
>> I'm looking to compare two parcellations (one is a stroke patient with
>>her brain as is, the other is the same subj
I'm looking to compare two parcellations (one is a stroke patient with her
brain as is, the other is the same subject with the lesion "fixed" run as a
separate subject). It would be helpful if the parcellations would color the
same area the same color, but currently every single ROI is colo