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The tutorial data exercises are not entirely up to date with the just announced
beta release. For now you could try running a pre 8.X stable dev build
fromhttps://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer/dev/stable/- or for
your M2 Mac, you w
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Dear Freesurfer developers,
I have no previous experience in Freesufer and I am trying to go through the
tutorial before analyzing my own data.
I’m working on the dataset you shared on your website.
I work on MacBook Pro Apple M2 Pro 32 GB Sonoma 14.2.
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Alright. I'll give it a shot and let you know.
Adam Raikes, PhD, ATC
Assistant Scientific Investigator
Center for Innovation in Brain Science
University of Arizona
From: fsbuild
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2024 11:31 A
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Hello Adam,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
If possible, I would do “sudo apt install
./freesurfer_ubuntu22-8.0.0-beta_amd64.deb” so that you end up with
FREESURFER_HOME=/usr/local/freesurfer/8.0.0-beta and so that the linux install