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I would like to apply the wang atlas over the group activation maps produced
from Freesurfer analysis. I would appreciate any guidance/instructions you can
offer for how I can do that.
Thank you for your time!
mri_brainvol_stats reads the following files:
Can you check if they all exist for your subjects?
Any errors if you run 'mri_brainvol_stats ' at prom
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Hi all,
Thanks again for your help.
We fixed the issue by adding user write permissions for the owner-user in the
installation folder (note that the owner of the file in the installation folder
is different from the users that we used for testing).
That does not look like it is a problem with the input image. Do you
have a normal, invivo MRI that you can run samseg on to see if it is
just a problem with your platform?
On 1/18/2024 3:57 AM, K Eswar wrote:
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Dear FS community
I have an ex-vivo human ad
The way I have done this was do compute T1w images (MPRAGE) through
simulations, then run recon-all on that.
On 1/17/2024 11:55 AM, Maksim Slivka wrote:
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Dear FS community,
Recently our lab started collecting 3D-QALAS (Cho et al., 2023). Using
this metho
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Dear FS community
I have an ex-vivo human adult brain MRI, both in T1 MPRAGE and Fiesta. I
have recently come across a paper on MRI segmentation using a function
called- samseg. From the webpage(