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I would like to know what other modification I should make to my script to
run --grf (volume analysis):
- mris_preproc ??
- mri_glmfit (--surf in white)
- mri_glmfit-sim ??
Diogenes Bispo
Em sáb., 29 de mai. de 2021
The topology error labels might be be created if it did not finish. YOu
can try just loading the brain.mgz, the wm.mgz, and the orig.nofix and
see if you can find a big topo error
On 5/31/2021 11:16 AM, Ellen Ji wrote:
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Dear experts,
mris_fix_topology has been runn
On 5/30/2021 10:27 AM, Massieh Moayedi wrote:
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External Email - Use Caution
We’re collecting multiecho T1s. We have individual T1 images with
different echoes, and the RMS files.
I’ve run freesurfer using both the RMS files, and the multiple
The ces.nii.gz file will contain the percent with respect to the mean
signal in the brain.
The cespct.nii.gz will contain the percent with respect to the mean time
series of the voxel.
On 5/30/2021 9:42 AM, Star Xi wrote:
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Hi, dear FS experts,
I'm try
You can't use the --grf option with surfaces
On 5/29/2021 2:14 AM, Diógenes Bispo wrote:
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Hi Freesurfer team.
I made the following command:
setenv study $argv[1]
foreach hemi (lh rh)
foreach smoothing (10)
foreach meas (volume)
No, not easily. I think the field of view must be lower in that
dimension and so it is cropping.
On 5/28/2021 3:23 PM, Melissa Marie Rundle wrote:
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I am using mri_convert to change the orientation of an image in its
native space from LPS to PSR.
On 5/28/2021 2:17 PM, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios wrote:
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External Email - Use Caution
Additional clarification.
Are these 2 options runs independently - i.e. separate tests?
Not sure what you mean here
For example, add CPs to brain.mgz and
How did you create the sig.mgh that you are trying to overlay?
On 5/28/2021 11:16 AM, Francisca Ferreira wrote:
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Dear Experts,
I have extracted subcortical vols corrected for intracranial vols
using asegstats2table and I ran mri_glmfit using the following
Yes, you can use PETsurfer. I would apply it to the ratio
On 5/28/2021 10:25 AM, Marina Fernández wrote:
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Dear experts,
I want to calculate myelin maps using the ratio of T1w and T2w MRI
images. I saw that the correction of partial volume effects can be
On 5/28/2021 9:25 AM, M Pope wrote:
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External Email - Use Caution
Thanks for this. Using mri_surf2vol as a QC hadn't occured to me and
is a nice solution. I feel again using --fillribbon is the best way to
project the surface to the volume f
Not sure, can you try this
cd /home/liubing/FreeSurfer/data/test_recon/ANDI1/mri
mri_nu_correct.mni --debug --i orig.mgz --o nu.mgz --uchar
transforms/talairach.xfm --n 2 --ants-n4 >& nucor.log
and send the file nucor.log
On 5/28/2021 7:51 AM, liub wrote:
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Try using tkregisterfv instead (it takes all the same command line args
but uses freeview
On 5/28/2021 2:13 AM, 张威 wrote:
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Hello Freesurfer developers,
I am attempting to manually register a cerebral blood flow images to a
T1 weighted images via the comm
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Hello Nana,
Your browser should display a “CAPTCHA” box at the bottom of the freesurfer
license page just above the button where you click “I AGREE”.
If you do not see the CAPTCHA box in your browser then it is probably blocking
some javascript that w
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Hello Wu,
Sending the info to your posted email.
- R..
On May 31, 2021, at 03:49, HuiNing Wu
wrote:External Email - Use
CautionDear all,I'm using
freesurfer virtual box ubuntu 710 clone.However, I didn't fi
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Dear experts,
mris_fix_topology has been running for several hours now and the log
suggests many more defects than normal. I tried to follow Bruce's advice
from the thread here
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Dear Sir:
I met registration error when I provided all the personal information to
register the copy of FreeSurfer and obtain the license.txt key file, is there
any way for me to get the license file? The error figure is attached and thank
External Email - Use Caution
Dear experts,
I want to calculate myelin maps using the ratio of T1w and T2w MRI images.
I would like to perform a correction of partial volume effects to create
the maps (Shafee, Buckner & Fischl, 2015)*, instead of creating the maps
using HCP Pipel
External Email - Use Caution
Dear all,
I'm using freesurfer virtual box ubuntu 710 clone.
However, I didn't find the root password to enter sudo mode...
Would you please let me know what it is or where it is?
With best regards,
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