How did you create the sig.mgh that you are trying to overlay?
On 5/28/2021 11:16 AM, Francisca Ferreira wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Experts,
I have extracted subcortical vols corrected for intracranial vols
using asegstats2table and I ran mri_glmfit using the following command
mri_glmfit \--table aseg.txt \--fsgd newCH_deblank3.fsgd dods \--C
groupdiff.mtx \--glmdir aseg.glmdir
this seems to have worked.
I am now trying to visualise my results adapting the recommended wiki
freeview -f
-viewport 3d
Freeview crashes and I'm getting the following error
Number of vertices in overlay data (64 or 64) does not match with
surface (163842).
Number of vertices in overlay data (64 or 64) does not match with
surface (163842).
Is there something wrong with the commands priot to this step?
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