[Freesurfer] high pass filter cutoff

2020-08-06 Thread Nasiriavanaki, Zahra
Hi Freesurferers Could you please let me know how I should calculate the high pass filter cutoff? I have seen a bunch of different formulas (i.e 1.5*the stimulation period)? My task is a block-designed task, each stimuli takes 16 seconds and is followed by the next stimuli without an ITI. TR=2,

[Freesurfer] labels in .nii file

2020-08-06 Thread Eleni Nikalexi
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer developers,We have a volume that assigns unique numerical labels to each of the ROIs it contains, in NIFTI format. I want to register it to MNI152 (1mm) space, so that I can map it on my subjects and use mris_anatomical_stats.I have t

[Freesurfer] MRI_seg stats for multiple subjects

2020-08-06 Thread Sara Lyn
External Email - Use Caution Hi freesurfer developers, I am trying to run mri segstats for multiple subjects but the following only produces one text file for the first subject. Any idea what I am doing wrong? for subj in $(cat sessid.txt); do mri_segstats --seg /Users/Desktop/AUT

Re: [Freesurfer] Needing advises for results in my study.

2020-08-06 Thread Fischl, Bruce
Hi Haewon The problem is that you will never be able to distinguish a scanner effect from a real biological effect since they are in the same subspace. At the very least you should find some control data on both scanners to show that there is no bias in the direction of the effect you are findi

Re: [Freesurfer] Curvature files in FreeSurfer: source surface?

2020-08-06 Thread Tim Schäfer
External Email - Use Caution Nevermind, I solved it myself. For others who may find this question later: I ran mris_curvature on both surfaces and compared the resulting .H files with the data in lh.curv, and the values in lh.curv are identical with those obtained by running

[Freesurfer] Curvature files in FreeSurfer: source surface?

2020-08-06 Thread Tim Schäfer
External Email - Use Caution Dear FreeSurfer experts, I would like to know whether the mean curvature files generated by recon-all (at /surf/?h.curv and ?h.curv.fwhmxx.fsaverage.mgh) contain the curvature for the white or for the pial surface? Thanks, Tim -- Dr. Tim Schäfer P

[Freesurfer] Question regarding Euler number

2020-08-06 Thread Scheffler, F, Mev [fre...@sun.ac.za]
External Email - Use Caution Dear FreeSurfer Devs I got a comment about including a SNR variable in my main stats analysis and so came across a Rosen et al 2018 paper which refers to the Euler number. I then checked the archives and came across a thread

Re: [Freesurfer] Needing advises for results in my study.

2020-08-06 Thread Tim Schäfer
External Email - Use Caution Site effects, even from different scanners with comparable sequences, are a big issue is neuroimaging and discussed in many papers. I think you should be very careful with interpretation of results, especially since in your case, the scanners were di