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Dear FreeSurfer Devs

I got a comment about including a SNR variable in my main stats analysis and so 
came across a Rosen et al 2018 paper which refers to the Euler number. I then 
checked the archives and came across a 
 where you say that in version 6.0 the numbers are included in the aseg.stats 
file, specifically as a global measure called SurfaceHoles.

With regards to our QC procedures: We visually inspected all of our scans and 
then followed ENIGMA’s quality assessment protocols. We excluded scans with 
motion artefacts or poor-quality images and only included the data from the 
scans with acceptable or good quality segmentation. Outlier detection and the 
distribution of our data was also checked prior to analysis of the data.

So, my question is, can I include the SurfaceHoles variable in my model as a 
proxy for SNR? Would that be sensible, or do you have an alternative suggestion?

Thanks very much!

Kind regards,
Freda Scheffler
PhD Candidate

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