Actually, if you just store the denoised data as f.nii.gz, then run
preproc-sess it should do ok. It will do motion correction, but it should not
really do any thing if MC is already done. Just make sure that the image has a
proper baseline so that the registration will work.
On 10/22/18 11:14
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Thank you. But the fmri-denoised.nii.gz will be a volume-based data, how
can I register and normalize it to the surface-based space, as
'preproc-sess' do that will generate the bilateral cortex in surface and
subcortical area in volume?
On Mon, 22 Oct
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Dear FS experts:
I'm doing a project about the changes of cortical thickness after sleep
deprivation. I know that cortical thickness is calculated as the closest
distance from the gray/white boundary to the gray/CSF boundary at each vertex.
Is th
I would just do
mri_vol2vol --i vin.nii --regheader --targ orig.mgz --o vout.mgz
On 10/22/2018 05:52 PM, GREGORY R KIRK wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> thanks Doug, one more thing to make sure I get it correct.
> If I have a volume of quantitative MR volumes in the native
External Email - Use Caution
thanks Doug, one more thing to make sure I get it correct.
If I have a volume of quantitative MR volumes in the native space of the T1 and
I want them to be in registration with the freesurfer space
of this subject I woiuld
mri_convert -it nii -ot
If you do all the preprocessing yourself, then store the output in the
run folder with a certain name, fmri-denoised.nii.gz, then when you run
mkanalysis-sess specify -funcstem fmri-denoised and proceed as norm.
On 10/22/2018 04:08 PM, Zhi Li wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> H
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Hi FreeSurfer Experts,
I am trying surface-based analysis of task-fMRI with FS-FAST. However, I
would like to apply ICA-based denoising and wavelet-despiking which can be
not done with the 'preproc-sess'. I wonder if I can do the preprocessing
with oth
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Regression would be better than division.
on behalf of Damien MARIE>>
Reply-To: Freesurfer support list>>
Date: Monday, O
yes, they are surfaces. You need to specify -f on the command line before
listing the surfaces you want to load
On Mon, 22 Oct 2018, Rosalia Dacosta
Aguayo wrote:
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I tried. I cannot open them. They are not .mgz files, they are binary files.I
External Email - Use Caution
I tried. I cannot open them. They are not .mgz files, they are binary files.
I will try though, and see what is happening.
Thank you,
El lun., 22 oct. 2018 21:49, Bruce Fischl
> with freeview
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2018, Rosalia Dacosta
with freeview
On Mon, 22 Oct 2018, Rosalia Dacosta Aguayo wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Bruce,
I cannot examine those files with gedit. Could you tell me how to open them?
Thank you,
On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 9:35 PM Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Lisa
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Hi Bruce,
I cannot examine those files with gedit. Could you tell me how to open them?
Thank you,
On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 9:35 PM Bruce Fischl
> Hi Lisa
> no, likely you have to identify and correct the source of the giant
> defect,
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HI Bruce,
Thank you for the quick reply! Are there online tutorials that could show me
how to implement your suggestions?
-Original Message-
Hi Lisa
no, likely you have to identify and correct the source of the giant defect,
typically be either fixing the skull stripping, or editing the wm.mgz or
adding control points
On Mon, 22 Oct 2018, Lisa Crystal Krishnamurthy wrote:
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Hi al
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Hi all,
I have a stroke brain with a large lesion that runs into this same problem. Is
there a way to push the process along? No white matter segmentations are
created to try and edit the surface.
-Lisa Krishnamurthy
-Original Message
Hi Rosaila
usually when you have a defect that large (>30,000) vertices, which is
about 1/4 of the total surface more or less, something is dramatically
wrong and it is not worth waiting for it to finish (it might take days or
weeks). Examine the ?h.orig.nofix and ?h.inflated.nofix surfaces an
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Dear FreeSurfer team,
I Have run -autorecon1 in my sample and the report.log was "finished
without errors"
Now, running recon-all -all I have seen that a participant is stuck in
CORRECTING DEFECT 0 (vertices=31977, convex hull=5359, v0=0) for more than
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2018 12:16:59 -0700
From: Rahul Desikan
To: Bruce Fischl
Subject: one more favor
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One more favor Bruce. If possible could you please post this on the FS/FSL
lists? Many thanks!
Did you look at the nifti volumes? Are they 2 sets of diffusion-weighted
images? If so, you can concatenate them into 1 volume with mri_concat. You will
also have to concatenate the text files that contain the b-values of the 2
scans, and those that contain the gradient directions of the 2 scans
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Dear sir/madam,
I try to use TRACULSR to analysis DTI data of GE machine. But when I
transfer origin data to nii, I found 2 nii file producted per sample. Can I
use these data to run TRACULAR、 If yes, how can I combine 2 nii file?
I ho
Use --s subject instead of --reg (run mri_vol2vol with --help to get
more info).
btw, if you have multi echo data, you are probably measuring R2*, not R1.
On 10/22/2018 12:55 PM, GREGORY R KIRK wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> I have R1 values that I want to resample onto the
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I have R1 values that I want to resample onto the cortical surface. The R1
values were computed from a multi echo
T1 sequence that was also used to create the T1 weighted image that was used in
recon-all to produce the cortical surface reconstruction
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Dear freesurfer,
I have some question about GE date (have 2 run) to run TRACULAR. How
can I get some answers?
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Freesurfer mailing list
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Dear experts,
I am working with R1 maps that I project on the surface. The goal is to look at
intra-cortical myelin.
I detect interesting effects between two groups. Now I would like to compute
myelinated cortical thickness ratio maps, in order to c
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Nevermind, I found in the source code of recon-all (line 180) that you have to
specify the measure as '-measure area.pial' instead of '-measure area' in this
Sorry for the noise.
> On October 22, 2018 at 11:23 AM wrote:
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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I would like to know how to (re-)generate the files
'lh.area.pial.fsaverage.mgh' and 'rh.area.pial.fsaverage.mgh' for a subject (in
the surf/ dir).
I have tried the following:
1.) ensured that the source files, lh.area.pial
26 matches
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