that looks like a big temporal lobe bias field to me. Is the WM in the
temporal lobes significantly darker than 110? I can't tell if some of the
stuff in e.g. the left medial temporal lobe is WM or GM. Try putting some
control points in regions where the intensity is in say [95, 110) and see
Hi Heidi
can you give us the full screen output and exact command you are running?
And what shell are you using? In csh/tcsh you can have an env variable be
superseded with a set command. For example:
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR right
set SUBJECTS_DIR=wrong
will cause getenv to get wrong. Also, try
External Email - Use Caution
I'm running the follow command lines:
1) mri_glmfit --y ces.nii.gz --cortex --surf fsaverage rh --glmdir MMSE.wls
--nii.gz --fsgd g1v1_MMSE.fsgd dods --C intercept.mtx --C slope.mtx --eres-save
2) mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir MMSE.wls --perm 1000 2.0 abs