Hi Freesurfer group,
I wanted to use mris_preproc to calculate regional differences in surface
area between two groups.
Ideally I would like to use something that is vertex-wise and preserves
regional area, but I've had trouble with spherical demons (using the
Winkler methodology). So I am going
We are wondering if there is a faster way to generate lh.pial and rh.pial than
running the 24 hour long recon-all function. We took a look at
http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ReconAllFilesVsSteps and it seems
that the inputs for lh.pial and rh.pial are needed from the recon-all out
Dear Freesurfer's experts,
I computed some perfusion maps from ASL data. These perfusion maps were
registered on anatomical T1 and I would like to make a group analysis on
surfaces. Please find below my actual commands in order to project these
volumic maps on fsaverage then smooth the data pr
Hi Anastasia,
Sorry for the delay -- I missed your response. I did look at the
anatomical segmentations and thought they looked OK. I've uploaded the
tracula and corresponding freesurfer data for two subjects: one with
complete tracts and one with missing/incomplete tracts. I also uploaded my
Hi All,
After using freeview to manually adjust the registration between a functional
and T1.mgz generated by bbregister, I saved the registration file in freeview
as lta format, which seems the only option. However, the registration file has
same file name for source and target volume. So, wh
Hi Ruthger
sorry, I don't think we have anything to do exactly what you want. It
would be easy enough to do in matlab though
On Fri, 27 Feb 2015, Righart,
Ruthger wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
> I am using mris_convert to obtain per vertex thickness values in an
> ascii file.
> W
Dear Freesurfers,
I am using mris_convert to obtain per vertex thickness values in an
ascii file.
What I would like to do is to limit the requested area to a certain
region of interest using a label file. Is this possible? (analogous to
mris_anatomical_stats where a label flag can be given?).