Re: [Freesurfer] Fixed-Effects Analysis carried out by mri_glmfit

2013-11-23 Thread Douglas Greve
Hi Clark, mri_glmfit should work fine. If you have the ROIs in a volume format (eg, nifti or mgh) you can run mri_concat on them to create a stack, then just pass the stack to mri_glmfit with the --y flag (also add --no-est-fwhm). If you don't have them in a volume format, you can create a vol

[Freesurfer] Problem with asegstats2table - missing information

2013-11-23 Thread Greg Reckless
Dear Freesurfer experts, I've run the following command to pull out mean, stdev etc. for the left and right NAcc area from a COPE (condition1-condition2) for each of my participants: mri_segstats --seg subj.feat/reg/freesurfer/aseg.nii.gz \ --id 26 58 --nonempty --ctab-default \ --i subj.feat/s