We haven't yet uploaded the latest slides for a course we are running in
April, which the main FsTutorial page points at. You can get slides
and wiki links from our most recent course here:
On Tue, 2009-03-24 a
I wanted to review the FreeSurfer attachments on the wiki's tutorial page Whenever I try to click on
an attachment, it brings me to a page and says:
Attached FilesNo attachments stored for FsTutorial/April2009CourseSchedule
You are no
Hi Ryan,
what version are you using? And when you say "bad" what exactly do
you mean? Can you send some snapshots? If you're doing a thickness study
the aparc+aseg is irrelevant - just the white and pial surfaces matter
(and the spherical registration of course)
On Tue, 24 Mar
Hi FreeSurfers,
After a months of QC'ing FreeSurfer results, my team and I are now working
toward end stage analysis of our cortical thickness data. All along, we
have been aiming to make improvements in the wm.mgz volume so that we can
assure that the white matter and gray matter surfaces are as
Well, I believe there is a problem in principle here. FDR deals with multiple
comparisons across the surface (or brain volume), but how do you deal with a
series of such analyses? Of course, if you use a different method of correction
you avoid this problem but that's not the point.
Some links that may be helpful:
Hope it helps.
I have done an analysis involving three groups, so there are three pairwise
comparisons across two hemispheres = 6 p-maps. I want to adjust for multiple
comparisons (across the vertices), so I use FDR. But since FDR determines
the threshold basd on the actual p-values, I get 6 different treshol
Hi Ali,
yes, we segment the cc and save it in the aseg.mgz divided into 5 parts
On Tue, 24 Mar 2009, Al-Radaideh Ali wrote:
Dear FreeSurfer Experts,
I wonder if Freesurfer saves the mask of corpus callosum or not. If so, could
you please tell me where it
Dear FreeSurfer Experts,
I wonder if Freesurfer saves the mask of corpus callosum or not. If so, could
you please tell me where it is saved or how can I get a cc mask?
Many thanks
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