Hi Chacko,
all the tools can read analyze, but the recon-all script expects .mgz, so
you're much better off using it, and converting whatever you need to
analyze afterwards.
On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Chacko Cherian wrote:
Hello all,
Can freesurfer use data in Analyze format or do
Hello all,
Can freesurfer use data in Analyze format or does
everything have to be converted to .mgz??
Thanks in advance.
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I don't think we have anything that can do this easily, but it would not
be too hard to use matlab, eg,
m = MRIread('aseg.mgz');
m.vol = (m.vol == 18 | m.vol == 54); % 18 and 54 are for amygdala
Then in tkmedit, specify amygdala.mgz as the aux volume. Then
Hi Sasha,
Yes, aparc2aseg is run on the whole brain, not per-hemisphere. It will
only run correctly if both hemispheres have been fully processed.
On Tue, 18 Apr 2006, Sasha Wolosin wrote:
Dear FreeSurfers,
I am using freesurfer stable 3.0.1 for 64-bit linux, and I would like
to r
Dear FreeSurfers,
I am using freesurfer stable 3.0.1 for 64-bit linux, and I would like
to run aparc2aseg on just the right hemisphere. I ran "recon-all -hemi
rh -subjid 2600test -autorecon-all" and when it got to aparc2aseg it
exited with the following error: