Works under FreeDOS:
1) Lemmings
2) Xenon2
3) ApplePC 2.52 (Apple ][ Emulator)
4) EMU][ (Apple ][ Emulator)
I'll try more in coming weekend (or holiday).
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Free Li
Eric: Thanks for the long list of games that are known to work with
FreeDOS. I'll see if I can make that fit with the "FreeDOS for Gamers"
Could you send me your config.sys and autoexec.bat files? These are
really what I'm after - good examples of config.sys and autoexec.bat
that work
Hi, trying to recall which games run in FreeDOS and which do not...
all shareware or freeware:
Descent: yes, but only with DOS32A, not with standard DOS4GW. Did not try
with EMM386 yet (none of the games!), using UMBPCI instead.
Terminal Velocity (comes with S3 Virge graphics cards): Had some t