Saluton Ivan,
Saluton Rughulo,
kaj eble ech aliaj?
Mi ne konsciis, ke estas tiom da esperanto-parolantoj kiuj ankorau
okupighas pri la DOS operacisistemo :-)
Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event wil
> Rugxulo writes:
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:10 AM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:
>> I wonder if someone could write such a short note on FreeDOS? (In
>> either English or Russian. Or in Esperanto, but that'd force me to
>> use a dictionary.)
>> My only hesitation for E-o is that I'm a bit
> Jim Hall writes:
>> (The GNU project is notable for their use of licenses like CC BY-ND,
(… for their Web pages…)
>> which disallow the creation of derivative works, while we,
>> obviously, need our flyers in Russian, which, indeed, means that we
>> have to create derivative w
> > Well, you can feel free to borrow text from our web page:
> > FreeDOS is a free DOS-compatible operating system that can be used to
> > play games, run legacy software, or support embedded systems.
> > FreeDOS is basically like the old MS-DOS, but better! For example,
> > unlike MS-DOS,
> Jim Hall writes:
>> I wonder if someone could write such a short note on FreeDOS? (In
>> either English or Russian. Or in Esperanto, but that'd force me to
>> use a dictionary.)
> Well, you can feel free to borrow text from our web page:
> FreeDOS is a free DOS-compatible oper
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 1:10 AM, Ivan Shmakov wrote:
> I wonder if someone could write such a short note on FreeDOS?
> (In either English or Russian. Or in Esperanto, but that'd
> force me to use a dictionary.)
My only hesitation for E-o is that I'm a bit rusty (I'm
> ACK, thanks. I'd try to collect whatever free software-related
> free logos I'd be able to find on the Web, and print them on
> stickers to be given away at the event.
> Also, we've decided [1] to populate the reverse sides of our
> “Join us on SFD-2012!
> Jim Hall writes:
>>> PS. Are there any promotional materials (flyers, posters, videos,
>>> etc.) for FreeDOS that we can use on our Software Freedom Day
>>> celebration next month, BTW?
> Hi. You can feel free to use any of these logos:
> You can