Hi what a nice informativ answere. here is really something to go
with. ok I think if just have to copy the files over i will try with
that other freedos that you recomment. good weekend. /mikkel
On 6/18/08, Eric Auer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Mikkel, well the rugxulo.googlepages.com distr
sorry fdisk /mbr
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18, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Robert Riebisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> mikkel meinike wrote:
>>> not record sound. Now want to try with freedos. I have installed the
>>> one floppy odin system. first I have tried to install the official ibm
Hallo I am new on this list. I have a Linux system on my thinkPad 390
there are some problems with Linux sound and that laptop series. I
have made the laptop play sound on the Linux sys with sb-16 but I can
not record sound. Now want to try with freedos. I have installed the
one floppy odin system.